switchgear, lights, alternators, accessories



Straightforward Loom Replacement

on a simple bike without indicators


  • £720 labour and £80 for parts.

Straightforward Loom Replacement

on an electric start bike with indicators, twin clocks and reg-rectifier


  • £1100 labour/loom design, £150 for parts

Custom design and build

on a really complicated or very knackered bike


  • £1400 labour/loom design and £200 parts

Please bear in mind there are two stages. The first stage is prep: getting the bike into a position where I can build a loom onto it. That means cleaning the bike, mounting the electrical components safely and securely, and refurbing anything that doesn’t work. The second stage is the build itself, and that’s what the guide prices above are.

Ideally, you do all the prep yourself. But if you like, I can do it for you, making anything from a simple indicator mount to a custom battery box. You can see examples of this work in some of the bikes under ‘Recent jobs’

I don’t offer menu pricing because every job is different, and the final cost reflects the time it takes. A straightforward loom replacement on a small, simple bike such as an old BSA Bantam might be £720 labour and £80 for cable, connectors and consumables. Designing a loom from scratch on a really complicated one-off bike such as the CRC CBX1000 could be £1400 for loom design and labour and £200 for cables etc. If a bike is in really bad condition, it can cost this much too. In between those extremes, a loom on something like an old Z1000 in good condition might be £1100 labour and £150 parts. Within these rough bands there’s still a fair amount of room for spending more or less money. You might want high-spec connectors, trick clocks or an uprated ignition system.

Basically, complexity costs more; simplicity (think racers, or no indicators or warning lights) costs less. Likewise, lots of prep time costs more; a perfectly presented bike keeps the cost to a minimum. Whatever you decide we need to talk the job through and agree a spec, so ring or email me. I’ll give you an outline idea, and if you want a pretty accurate quote and completion date once I have the bike.

Newly built or newly restored bikes very often have problems when they start up for the first time. Examples: carbs leak, or oil spurts from various orifices. This can quickly get very time consuming, so I do not get involved in fixing carbs or oil leaks. I do, however, have an excellent local mechanic (Rupe Farnsworth of La Contenta Motorcycles) who can do that if you need it.

A week or ten days after drop-off you can pick your bike up with its gleaming new loom and bespoke wiring diagram. Before you take it away I need payment via bank transfer. I can’t accept cash. I’ll demonstrate that everything works, either on video or in person, and make sure you’re completely happy with the job.