Sorry about the tank. It was away getting cleaned out.

Sorry about the tank. It was away getting cleaned out.


Left side before



Left side after

The wires on this pickup had seen better days

The wires on this pickup had seen better days

Laverda 500 Montjuic Mk 2

If there was an award for the bike which arrived with the most extensively modified loom (and not in a good way), this Laverda would win it. Owner Andy had bought it to relive a youth spent racing a Montjuic, and got as far as repainting the bodywork. The electrics were the next job.

You can see from the pics what it was like. It also had what we think were non-standard clocks, an old Ducati reg/rec wired up wrong and broken switchgear. The ignition pick-up wires were in a poor state, and Andy spent many weeks trying to find some better ones. Electrex World do lots of pick-ups for old Italian bikes but not the Bosch ones used on Montjuics and Jotas.

In the end it all worked, and very satisfying it was too. Nerdy fact: a lot of Laverda cable colours involve the colour orange.

03 battery rhs before

Right side before

Right side after

Right side after

Earths before

Earths before

Earth after

Earth after