This is not my best pic, but c’est la vie

Crank back from T&L Engineering ready for shimming

And now built up, with the engine plates fitted

Geoff’s BSA A65 Thunderbolt revised

I rewired this lovely old thing for Geoff  last summer, and added some later BSA indicators which he liked the look of. But once it was done we could see that the engine was a bit tired.

After a few discussions, Geoff engaged my mate Rupe Farnsworth of La Contenta Motorcycles (07950 234497) to rebuild the motor, and weld on some brackets for the rear indicators.

Rupe F got the bike rebored, replaced the timing side bush and a couple of valve guides, and added a new oil pump. The machining work was done by Barry at T&L Engineering, near Bedford. Barry was recommended to me many years ago by Steve Linsdell, the great TT racer and Classic TT bike builder. If Barry’s work is good enough for Steve, it’s good enough for absolutely anyone.

Rupe has developed a habit of building BSA and Triumph twins in his fabulous workshop about six miles from RR Towers. He understands these primitive old things, and does a really nice job. Including on my own A65.

The standard oil-in-frame indicators for the rear end come with very long stems, so I shortened and re-threaded them to get the proportions about right, before adding decent earths and connecting them up. The bike rides beautifully and I think Geoff has picked the right look for the indicators. We hope he’ll have a great summer on the bike chugging around the south of England.

Gearbox about to go in

Now with cam gears, kickstart shaft and a fancy SRM oil pump – always a good idea

Engine builder Rupe F (with Geoff’s bike, and small bottle of beer). Rupe’s workshop is heated by a wood stove, which in mid January is about as good as life gets

How about that? 1960s style, with 1970s indicators and a 2025 motor