Richard sent a huge box from the US with the old electrics carefully labelled. This is the original harness

And here are the two I made for him, ready to send off

Richard’s Suzuki T200

This was an interesting job. Richard lives in the USA, so sending his Suzuki T200 over for a rewire was not an option.

What he had was the original electrical setup, which he was happy to send over in a box. But there was a twist: he wanted to replace the original charging and ignition with a Vape kit. So the job was to incorporate the Vape bits into an otherwise standard loom. And some updated switchgear too.

Then he bought another T200. Could I do two looms rather than one? That didn’t seem too tricky. The main issue with a pattern loom is getting all the branches at the right angle and distance from each other. Doing it twice is no harder than doing it once.

We had a few back-and-forth emails, and in the end I left a few Vape wires bare for Richard to finish on the bike. He found a good supplier of bullet connectors and crimp tools, and we discussed exactly what he needed to do.

I sent over everything I thought he would need: battery leads, earth terminals, little wire seals for modern thinwall cable, a kill relay, some skinny PVC sleeving for the battery leads, and a few other bits and pieces. It helps to have built lots of looms before.

The box got to the States in about three days, and Richard is pleased with his new looms. I hope when the bikes are done I can show you how they look.

You can’t get the original materials. These are plated copper Japanese bullet connectors with Certoplast wrapping tape