Brandon’s Suzuki GSX1100 Katana
This is a neat and nicely restored old Kat with wide bars, Bandit 1200 running gear and a Grumpy Suzuki motor. My favorite bit is the aftermarket LED headlight which is actually a car part, but fits the Suzuki headlamp frame perfectly. Brandon found it on AliExpress.
The indicators are fairly trick too. Made by a company with the hopeless name of LedPerf, they flash sequentially like an Audi does. They come with those old resistors which LEDs used to have, and it took two weeks of emailing the company to get any sense out of them about whether we could ditch the resistors if we used an LED flasher unit. (You can.) It’s worth asking: I fired up an expensive indicator without its resistor once, and it blew.
The bike came together nicely, and fired up with the usual gravelly GSX1100 tickover. Brandon’s biggest remaining headache is fitting the speedo sensor. Daytona supply a quick’n’dirty bracket which you secure to the fork leg with cable ties, but it fouls the caliper mounts on this bike. As a result he’ll modify the rear caliper mount to take the sensor. Not an easy or a quick job, but that’s specials for you. And it’ll be a neater solution when it’s done.
A fine motorcycle which should be great fun to ride.